Monday, July 7, 2008

everything came true ...

am i such an idiot that i will be a burden to anyone? i can do the same as i did b4. i helped her in many ways and i do not claim credit, and i enjoy seeing her succeed in her work. i thought she understand, and even if she doesn't, she will appreciate. but i am wrong.

there's nothing wrong with yearning for bigger and better things. but at the expense of someone whom helped, quarreled and shared the same struggle to a better life with her?

isn't she behaving like him who left her cos he wanted better?

things are very simple sometimes. but why must it be a either-or? my heart is deeply cut.

i love you, i shall let you go.

1 comment:

the ostrich said...

Hi, not sure if you still visit this blog.

I never told you the whole truth. Loving you was too painful. We had too many quarrels in the past. For the longest time, I wanted things to work, i tried to bring it up to you, through talks, discussions, fights, sarcasm. Not the best methods, i learnt. I have tried everything I could to engage you on the issues i perceived. And i failed.

I was unhappy for a very long time. I wanted to let go, but i didn't have the courage to. I felt very neglected. If i didn't call, you wouldn't initiate calling too. I was not just out with friends at that point. I was out dating another man. Sub-conciously I was my way of taking it out on you, for neglecting me. It was with irony when i read your post that you didn't dared to call. all the while, I was hoping that you would.

I didn't want your presents, I didn't want all your money. The words that hurt, was said deliberately to hurt you. Haven't you realised by now how good I am at my sarcasm? I wanted to hurt you, because for some selfish reasons, i wanted you hurt like the way i was hurt.

Selfish. and childish.

Someday, I hope you would find it in your heart to forgive me, for the hurt I have given you.

I will always be there for you, if you need me. Take good care of yourself.